Saturday, November 15, 2008

Oklahoma City Prop 8 demo

Yeah, sure, marriage is a patriarchal institution. But I'm probably going to go to the protest against California's anti-gay-marriage Proposition 8 down at the Oklahoma City city hall today at 12:30 p.m. The address is 200 N. Walker. Here's a link for the sponsoring organization:

Oklahoma City - Join the Impact

This is part of a nationwide protest.

Okay. I'm way behind on my novel and need to get typing. See y'all later.

Update 7:00 p.m.: It was a nice little demonstration. Heck, I guess it was a pretty big demonstration. I would estimate that there were 150-175 people there. Someone I talked to thought it was more like 250-300. I bet it will be in the news, but I don't have a t.v., and I still have that novel to write, so I probably won't find out. Meanwhile, for an interesting commentary on the relationship of California's Ballot Measure 8, see happening here.

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