Monday, July 15, 2013

Still trying to make sense of this heartbreaking news...

...I found this amazing interview with Alice Walker that Democracy Now!  did right after Trayvon Martin was murdered in March of 2012. Walker talks about how Trayvon came from the same section of Florida as Zora Neale Hurston. I can't really describe it at the moment, but it is well worth watching:

Ironically during this time period, the poet Adrienne Rich had also just died , of natural causes, after a a long and productive life devoted to poetry, essay writing, feminism, anti-racism and social justice. In my own experience, and in my reading of history, I have seen how anti-racism and feminism have been portrayed as somehow in opposition to each other. Rich, in her life, demonstrated the possibility of radical integrity.

Alice Walker notes in this interview (which followed on Democracy Now! the interview she had done about Trayvon Martin),
I think her legacy for all of us is to continue to believe in the power of art, especially in the power of poetry, and to keep moving and not to be dissuaded, not to be discouraged, but to take heart from a woman who lived for 82 years giving her very best, growing out of every shell that society attempted to force her into to become this really amazing figure of inspiration and hope and love.

Now is a time when we need such inspiration.

I hardly know what to say... the wake of George Zimmerman's acquittal in the killing of Trayvon Martin. But let's start by watching this excellent piece from Democracy Now:

Friday, July 12, 2013

This, on the other hand, is definitely bad news

Rachel Maddow's blog posted this excellent but disturbing analysis of nationwide efforts to limit women's access to abortion in the U.S. since the November presidential elections.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Good news and bad news

The bad news is that the US government insists on treating NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden as if her were a criminal. The good news is, the people of the United States aren't falling for it.

Meanwhile, Snowden is reportedly still caught in limbo in the transit zone of a Moscow airport, as he and his supporters try to find asylum for him in a third country.

The Guardian maintains a Web page of background information and breaking news about the Snowden case.

The power of radio

This post by Amy Goodman on Truthdig details the creation of 1000 new low-power community radio licenses by the FCC, and how such licenses could be used to empower local communities and movements. It's good to see some hopeful news for a change.