Friday, February 19, 2010

The public option is back?

Talking Points Memo says that a public health care insurance plan might go back into the Senate health care bill, and they have the video from Rachel Maddow to prove it.



I sure hope not. I have very little confidence in the federal government running and dictating my healthcare. Not that my mega sized healthcare company is doing a spectacular job, but at least I have more confidence in them than Uncle Sam. Besides, a national healthcare program turns into a ping pong ball of pork for Congressmen (and Congresschicks) to the detriment of the subscribers. Let's just reform what we have.

amazon grace said...

I appreciate your comment. First, a word about language. What we are doing is the equivalent of sitting on my front porch having a chat. People who use the word "chick" on my front porch to refer to female human beings get asked to move along. I find it an offensive and degrading term. The word "Congresswoman" works perfectly well. So, your comments are welcome, but next time watch your language, okay?

Second, the public option is an option. If you are person not covered by workplace insurance, and you would like to buy your insurance from, oh, say Anthem Blue Cross, you would be welcome to do so. Personally, if I weren't covered at work, I would much rather have the choice of choosing a government program. Heck, as someone who is covered at my workplace, I wish I could choose between the insurance I already have and a government plan.

Government is not perfect, but is subject to popular control. Monopolistic corporations seem to be accountable to no one.