Sunday, July 12, 2009

This bugs me

I think it's because the weather has been so hot. At night on the front porch I've been seeing a few cockroaches. I've been thinking about going out to the hardware store and finding some roach bait. The only problem is that I've checked out some archy and mehitabel books from the library, and now I feel bad about the idea of killing cockroaches.

But entomology is not my strong suit. The insects I've been seeing might be junebugs. The more I think about it, the more I think they must be junebugs, because they don't scurry away from light the way that cockroaches do. One of these things crawled into my well-lighted living room last night and provided a great deal of entertainment for Spot. I doubt the experience was entertaining for the insect involved, which did not survive the occasion. But Spot needed the exercise.

I am also tempted to be sentimental about ants, whose form of social organization could be described as socialist matriarchy. Unfortunately, my kitchen counter was invaded this morning by what looked like pavement ants, and I had to get out the Terro again.

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