Thursday, July 9, 2009

Are lightning bugs headed for extinction?

I guess I don't get out enough at night and pay attention to what's going on around me. Last night at the poetry reading down at Galileo, someone read a poem about lightning bugs going extinct. I did not know that this was happening. I used to see lots of lightning bugs back when I was growing up in Philadelphia in the 1960s and '70s. Out west, in Oregon and Idaho, I never saw them. I figured it was a regional thing. Since I've moved to Oklahoma City, I've seen them sometimes, but not consistently, and usually not so many as I remember from those hot Philadelphia summer nights long ago.

Anyway, I wondered about this report of lightning bug extinction, so I did a web search. Here's a description of the situation over at dream not of today. Light pollution seems to be a major culprit. Lightning bugs--also called fireflies--require darkness in order to mate.

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