Sunday, February 8, 2009

Elizabet Sahtouris

Elizabeth Sahtouris was one of the guests featured this morning on the program To the Best of Our Knowledge on KOSU. According to the TTBOOK website:
Biologist Elisabet Sahtouris left her teaching job to go live on a Greek island and re-think her life as a scientist. She tells Anne Strainchamps that while she dismisses the Biblical creationists,she thinks the standard story of evolution has some major problems. Her book is "Earthdance: Living Systems in Evolution."

I'm not exactly sure what I think of her ideas, but what Sahtouris has to say is very interesting. Here's an excerpt from a 2003 essay:
We have a new definition of life in biology in the last few decades called autopoesis which means that a living entity is onethat continually creates itself. This is very unlike a machine which is created from the outside by an inventor, given its rulesof operation, and usually in a hierarchic arrangement and has tobe reinvented to have generations of technology rather than being able to reinvent itself in an evolutionary trajectory.

On her website, you can download a copy of her book for free. Or you can watch her on YouTube.

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