Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thailand still in crisis

JOTMAN seems to be a liberal guy who has an interesting blog that focuses mostly on international politics, though he has also been posting a lot about the US presidential race.

Back in September, I was trying to sort out the political crisis in Thailand. I summarized what mainstream sources of information had to say about the situation. But something seemed to be missing from the reports that I was reading. JOTMAN had a post that had a little bit of analysis and a lot of on-the-scene videos and commentaries.

Once Prime Minister Samek Sundaravej was forced to resign, I thought the crisis had settled down. But apparently, opponents and supporters of the ruling party are still clashing.

In this post, JOTMAN argues that the Thai people need to learn to work within their democratic institutions, rather than hoping for intervention from the king, as supported by The Economist. In another post, he analyzes the recent border conflict between Thailand and Cambodia.

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