Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sotomayor affirms Roe as "Settled Law," in second day of confirmation hearings

John Nichols at reports that during her second day of confirmation hearings, Supreme Court nominee affirmed Roe v. Wade as "settled law," and appears to have won a battle of wits with Utah Republican Orrin Hatch.
Hatch was firm with the nominee, especially during a pointed line of questioning about cases involving gun rights. But Judge Sotomayor matched wits with the senior senator point for point, meeting arcane questions with precise responses that referenced footnotes and comments by conservative Justice Antonin Scalia.

Hatch was impressed, telling the nominee at the close of their discourse: "I want you to know I've appreciated this little time we've had together." Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, a key Democrat who led Judge Sotomayor through a line of questioning about executive powers issues, went even further, telling the committee how much he had "enjoyed" the Hatch-Sotomayor dialogue.

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