RH Reality Check has a 2008 Election and Reproductive Health page with lots of info and links about Senate Races, House races, and ballot initiatives.
Some of the ballot measures are quite alarming. According to NARAL,
In Colorado, a constitutional amendment on the November ballot would define "person" to include "any human being from the moment of fertilization" for those provisions in Colorado's constitution dealing with inalienable rights, due process, and equality of Justice. The true goal of Amendment 48 is to make all abortions illegal. It could also lead to bans on birth control, stem cell research, and in-vitro fertilization. This would eliminate a woman's rights to make personal, private decisions about her own body, free from governmental interference.
A ballot measure that seeks to outlaw abortion is up for a vote in South Dakota, despite that state's defeat of a similar initiative two years ago.
In California, a measure is on the ballot that seeks to impose a 48-hour waiting period for abortions, as well as requiring minors to notify their parents. California, of course, is also facing a ballot measure to outlaw gay marriage.
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